A summer swim team for kids ages 5-18 in San Jose, California
LPAC: Picture Day on Monday
Dear Penguins and Parents:
Congratulations on a great victory over the Almaden Gators! This is just a quick reminder that Picture Day is tomorrow (Monday, June 4).
- Individual photos for Association members will start at 4:00 pm.
- ALL swimmers should be at the pool by 5:15 pm for the team photo.
- Any remaining individual photos can be taken after the team photo.
- All swimmers should wear either an LPAC team suit or a plain black swim suit.
- We will still have practices as usual for all age groups:
- 10 & under: 6:00 – 7:00 pm
- 11-13: 7:00 – 8:00 pm
- 14-18: 8:00 – 9:00 pm
- Please check your family file for the photo order envelope and bring that to the photographer.
- Your team dues include one individual photo, one team photo, and a photo button. If you’d like to order additional copies and/or buddy photos, please bring your checkbook to make the additional payment
LPAC: Friday reminders (6/1/18)
Happy Friday! Here are a few quick reminders before our first dual meet tomorrow:
- The meet is at home against Almaden. Swimmers need to check in with the coaches no later than 6:30 am. If your child is ill, please call or text Coach Scott: 408-613-5126.
- Volunteer shifts and meet entries are now posted to the Almaden @ LPAC page on the website.
- Any swimmers leaving the meet early MUST check out with the coaches first.
- Steve and Rachel DeSantis usually do the announcing at home meets but will be out of town this weekend. If you’re comfortable behind a microphone and/or always dreamed of being a DJ, we could really use your help! If you’re interested, please send email to volunteers@swimlpac.org or call Christy Buchanan at 408-644-2151.
- Compressed practices continue tonight and all of next week. Please note that the practice age groups are slightly different than were originally printed on the season schedule handout.
- 10 & under: 6:00–7:00 pm
- 11-13: 7:00–8:00 pm
- 14-18: 8:00–9:00 pm
See you all bright and early Saturday morning…GO PENGUINS!
LPAC: Weekly Update (5/27/18)
Dear Penguins and Parents:
Hope you’re enjoying this lovely Memorial Day Weekend! Thanks to everyone for pitching in at Time Trials on Saturday. This week we have only a few days to get ready for Almaden on Saturday!
There are no regular team practices tomorrow (Monday, May 28), but swimmers are invited to attend an optional Swim Clinic in the morning from 9:00 to 10:30 am. The coaches will be working with small groups of kids on diving from the blocks, backstroke starts, pulldowns, and all types of turns. Swimmers who want to work on any of these skills are welcome to attend. Swimmers do not need to stay the whole time; they are welcome to drop in at any time and leave whenever they’d like.
Swimmers who did not attend Time Trials on Saturday or missed any of their events MUST come to Make-Up Day on Tuesday, May 29 at 6:00 pm. Parents are expected to stay and volunteer as timers and recorders. Please arrive on time! Please note there will be no regular night practices on Tuesday. If you swam all your events at Time Trials, you get the night off!
After Memorial Day, the pool is open to its members until 6:00 pm. This means that we have to compress our swim practices for two weeks until MHUSD schools are out (May 30 through June 8). Starting on Wednesday, May 30, please note the different times and age groups:
- 10 & under: 6:00–7:00 pm
- 11-13: 7:00–8:00 pm
- 14-18: 8:00–9:00 pm
Our first dual meet of the season is at home this Saturday (6/2) against the Almaden Gators. If your child will have to miss all or part of the meet, please send email to coaches@swimlpac.org and volunteers@swimlpac.org by Monday at the latest. The families we already know will be missing are: Morales-Seymour, Seps, Vaidyanath, Vuniwai, Wensmann.
Volunteer signups will open on SignUp Genius at 9:00 am Monday morning.
- Monday, May 28: Memorial Day Clinic (no regular practices)
- Tuesday, May 29: Time Trial Make-Ups 6-8 pm (no regular practices)
- Wednesday, May 30: Practice times change
- Saturday, June 2: Almaden @ LPAC
- Monday, June 4: Picture Day
- Saturday, June 9: LPAC @ Montevideo
- Monday, June 11: Morning practices begin
- Saturday, June 16: LPAC @ Oaktree
- Saturday, June 16: Overnighter and Cardboard Boat Races
- Saturday, June 23: Belwood @ LPAC
- Saturday, June 30: Raft Trip (No meet)
- Saturday, July 7: Silver Creek @ LPAC
- Saturday, July 7: Beach Trip (High School age group only)
- Thursday, July 12: Spirit Night
- Friday, July 13: Spaghetti Dinner
- Saturday, July 14: Champs
- Sunday, July 15: Banquet
If you live in the Los Paseos neighborhood and love to swim, we would love to have you on our team!
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
Damon and Jenn Holst: Gold Level Sponsor since 2021
Brad Gill with NextHome Lifestyles: Gold Level Sponsor since 2022
The Kwende Family Presents The Mukah Enrich Foundation: Gold Level Sponsor since 2022
Los Paseos Aquatic Club (LPAC) is a non-profit organization that has served the Los Paseos community for over 50 years.
As a family-oriented summer swim team, LPAC provides children in the Los Paseos neighborhood the opportunity to participate in competitive swimming in a fun, friendly, and supportive environment. Team members range in age from 5 to 18 years old.
LPAC is a member of the Valley Cabana Swim League and swims against other cabana teams in San Jose and Los Gatos.
All donations to LPAC are tax-deductible. The team’s Tax ID# is 77‑0453769.