A summer swim team for kids ages 5-18 in San Jose, California
CHAMPS, Spirit Night on Thursday 7/14, Spaghetti Dinner 7/15, Banquet Payments Due, Spirit Week!
Dear Penguins and Parents:
Great swimming on Saturday! The Penguins defeated the Silver Creek Sharks with a final score of LPAC 113.4 and Silver Creek 109.6. Meet results have been posted to the Silver Creek page on the website and ribbons are in the family files.
Thank you for your flexibility with the parking, sprinklers, and timing/recording at the Silver Creek meet. The LPAC Board is proud of our community spirit!
This is our final week of the season. Make sure you come to practice every day, as we prepare for Champs!
Meet Details:
- Location: Gunderson High School, 622 Gaundabert Lane, San Jose, CA 95136
- Swimmers age 11 and up, race during the morning session.
- Swimmers age 10 and under, race during the afternoon session.
- More details will be given out at Spirit Night!
Space Concerns at Champs:
- LPAC will set up 10 Team EZ Ups for our Penguins and Families.
- Families will NOT be permitted to set up their own EZ Ups.
- Space is very limited at Gunderson, so plan to squeeze in tight!
- When the morning session ends and the afternoon session begins, the LPAC EZ Ups will remain in place, to shelter our team.
- Families with swimmers only in the morning session, will need to leave when it concludes, to make room for families in the afternoon session.
- Big buddies will not be available to help little buddies get to their events, so parents will need to stay on top of their children.
- Go PENGUINS! Just like at dual meets, improvement counts for 50% of the score at Champs. Every Penguin can make a difference!
Sign up for your volunteer shift NOW!
Parents are required to sign up for a volunteer shift during your child’s swim session. If you have children swimming in both the morning and afternoon, you need to sign up for a volunteer shift during both morning and afternoon sessions.
CHAMPS Volunteer Sign UpsSpirit Night on Thursday, July 14th Attendance is Mandatory!
Parents and Penguins are required to attend Spirit Night to learn about the New Champs Setup.
- Date: Thursday, July 14, 2022
- Time: 6:30 – 9:00 pm
- Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 150 Bernal Rd. San Jose, CA 95139
- Park in the back parking lot, closest to the pool, on Via Ramada.
- Enter the church through either of the glass doors in the back parking lot.
- No alcohol is permitted on the premises.
- Pizza and drinks will be served for the kids, starting at 6:30pm.
- **IMPORTANT** Parents will be receiving final details on Champs and voting on new LPAC Governing Board Members.
- The kids will also be voting for new swimmer reps and making posters for Champs.
- Swim-a-Thon prizes and awards will be given out.
- Slideshow: Spirit Night will conclude with a slideshow, celebrating the season and energizing the team to do their best at Champs!
- Everyone is encouraged to wear a mask to keep our swimmers healthy before Champs.
Spaghetti Dinner on July 15th
The night before Champs, all High School aged swimmers, who have completed their Freshman year of High School or older, are invited to “carbo-load” with their teammates at the LPAC Spaghetti Dinner Pot Luck. We also decorate cars to show our penguin pride. All families are invited to bring their cars to the church parking lot, closest to the pool parking lot at 6:30pm, to have their cars decorated.
- Date: Friday, July 15, 2022
- Time: 6:00 to 6:30 pm, followed by car decorating with buddies. Everyone is invited to decorate cars to show their Penguin Pride.
- Location: Los Paseos Clubhouse
- Cost: None
- Volunteers: We need parents to set up, bring food or drinks, serve, and/or help with clean-up. Sign up to help at the Spaghetti Dinner using the button below.
- Contact: Judy Seps
Car Decorating
- Date: Friday, July 15, 2022
- Time: 6:30 pm
- Location: The Church Parking Lot, closest to the pool parking lot
End of Season Banquet on July 17th Payments for Additional Meals are Due!
Banquet Details
Many families that registered for additional Banquet meals have not paid yet. Turn your checks in to the Activities folder or complete your Zelle transfers ASAP! The final deadline for payment is Friday, July 15th. We will not be accepting payments at the door.
- Date: Sunday, July 17, 2022
- Time: 4:30 to 8:00 PM
- Place: Los Paseos Clubhouse & lawn area
Every day this week, show up to practice in each of the following themes, as we gear up for Champs!
Crazy Hair Monday
Come to practice, showing us your wildest hairstyles! We can’t wait to see who’s hair is the craziest!
Pajama Day Tuesday
Roll out of bed in your pajamas and come to practice! But remember, you still gotta swim.
Sports Jersey Wednesday
Wear your favorite sports jersey! Who is your favorite team?
Thuperhero Thursday
Dress up like a superhero! Aquaman, Spiderman, Batman, and the list goes on. Who will you be?
Penguin Spirt Friday
This is the final practice of the season. Show your Penguin spirit!
End of Season Gifts for Coaches
We are creating end of season gifts for our coaches. Feel free to contribute any amount of funds, and sign the coaches cards! Look for Judy Seps at the following meet and activities:
- Spirit Night, July 14th
- Spaghetti Dinner, July 15th
Gifts and cards will be presented to the coaches at the LPAC Banquet!
LPAC Governing Board Elections
The LPAC Governing Board is looking for volunteers for the 2023 season. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Jennie Anderson with interest and any other questions about volunteering for the board.
Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars!
Mark Your Calendars!
- July 14: Spirit Night
- July 15: High School Group Spaghetti Dinner
- July 16: Champs @ Gunderson
- July 17: Banquet
**IMPORTANT Info re: Silver Creek Meet on 7/9, CHAMPS, Service Event, Spirit Week.**
Dear Penguins and Parents:
New and FINAL Check in time for the Silver Creek Meet!
Swimmers and parent volunteers MUST CHECK IN at 7:10 am.
Please keep reading for more important information about the upcoming week.
LPAC @ Silver Creek on July 9th
Meet Details
- Date: Saturday, July 9, 2022
- Pool Gates Open at 7:00 am
- Time: LPAC swimmers and parent volunteers must check in by 7:10 am.
- The meet starts at 8:30 am and generally ends around 12:30 pm
- If your child is sick, please call or text Coach Scott’s cell phone: 408-613-5126.
- If a parent volunteer cannot check in by 7:10 am, please text Cecie at 408-910-5611.
- Meet Entries and Volunteer Assignments have been posted to the Silver Creek page.
- Team Area: When you enter the pool area, the left side of the facility is available for LPAC. There is limited room, so we will have to squeeze in tight and share EZ Ups!
Silver Creek Valley Country Club Pool
Located between Farnsworth Drive
and Country Club Parkway
near Courtside Drive
San Jose, California 95138
Note: Most LPAC families park at Silver Oak Elementary School, located just a little past the pool at 5000 Farnsworth Drive. This map shows the school location.
Champs is going to look different this year! It will be a split event:
- Swimmers age 11 and up, race during the morning session
- Swimmers age 10 and under, race during the afternoon session.
- Every family MUST participate as a volunteer. It is the only way to make Champs successful!
Parents are required to sign up for a volunteer shift during your child’s swim session. If you have children swimming in both the morning and afternoon, you need to sign up for a volunteer shift during both morning and afternoon sessions.
Every day next week, show up to practice in each of the following themes, as we gear up for Champs!
Crazy Hair Monday
Come to practice, showing us your wildest hairstyles! We can’t wait to see who’s hair is the craziest!
Pajama Day Tuesday
Roll out of bed in your pajamas and come to practice! But remember, you still gotta swim.
Sports Jersey Wednesday
Wear your favorite sports jersey! Who is your favorite team?
Thuperhero Thursday
Dress up like a superhero! Aquaman, Spiderman, Batman, and the list goes on. Who will you be?
Penguin Spirt Friday
This is the final practice of the season. Show your Penguin spirit!
Spirit Night on Thursday, July 14th
Spirit Night is on Thursday, July 14th. Parents are required to attend and learn about the New Champs Setup, while your swimmers enjoy, pizza, spirit posters and electing their new swimmer representatives. More details to come next week.
Swim-a-Thon Pledges Due on July 8th
Penguins, your Swim-a-Thon pledges are due today, July 8th!
Coaches Raffle ($1.00 each) Tickets on sale at the Silver Creek Meet.
See Kelly Fumagalli for tickets!
Community Service Event on July 8th
Community Service Event
Our community service event is today, Friday, July 8th!
- Time: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
- Location: Los Paseos Park. Meet at the pool at 10:15 am and we will walk over together.
- Waiver: Bring your Volunteer Waiver, if you haven’t already turned it in.
- Questions: Amelia Hadfield (
Beach Trip on July 9th
All HIgh School swimmers will be driven to the beach by parent volunteers.
- Date: Saturday, July 9, 2022
- Time: Meet at Los Paseos Pool at 4:30 pm
- Contact: Erik Sunderman or Lynnae Brady
End of Season Banquet on July 17th
Banquet Details
The end of season Banquet is approaching fast and it is time to register. Final registration deadline is Tuesday, July 5th.
- Date: Sunday, July 17, 2022
- Time: 4:30 to 8:00 PM
- Place: Los Paseos Clubhouse & lawn area
End of Season Gifts for Coaches
We are creating end of season gifts for our coaches. Feel free to contribute any amount of funds, and sign the coaches cards! Look for Judy Seps at the following meet and activities:
- Silver Creek Meet, July 9th
- Spirit Night, July 14th
- Spaghetti Dinner, July 15th
Gifts and cards will be presented to the coaches at the LPAC Banquet!
LPAC Governing Board Elections
The LPAC Governing Board is looking for volunteers for the 2023 season. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Jennie Anderson with interest and any other questions about volunteering for the board.
Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars!
Mark Your Calendars!
Please take note of the upcoming events and mark your calendars. We will send out more information about each event in future emails, but you can click on the links below to read more about each event on our website.
- July 8: Community Service Event
- July 9: LPAC @ Silver Creek
- July 9: Beach Trip (High School age group only)
- July 14: Spirit Night
- July 15: High School Group Spaghetti Dinner
- July 16: Champs @ Gunderson
- July 17: Banquet
Beach Trip and Banquet Registration Deadlines are TODAY! Turn in Waivers for Community Service!
Dear Penguins and Parents:
Today is your absolute last chance to register for the Beach Trip (High School only) and the Banquet. We need the registrations to finalize headcounts for food. Don’t miss out and register TODAY!
Please also turn in your waivers for the community service event ASAP!
Beach Trip Registration Deadline is Today, July 5th!
High School Penguins and Parents:
If you have not registered for the Beach Trip, today is your last chance! We need to finalize the headcount to make sure we have enough food and supplies.
- Date: Saturday, July 9, 2022
- Time: Meet at Los Paseos Pool at 4:30 pm
- RSVP: Register by Tuesday, July 5th! LPAC Beach Trip 2022 Registration
- Contact: Erik Sunderman or Lynnae Brady
- Volunteers: Sign up to volunteer on the registration form.
Use the button below to register now!
LPAC Beach Trip Registration – Must RegisBanquet Registration Deadline is Today, July 5th!
Banquet Details
If you have not registered for the Banquet, today is your last chance! Swimmers eat for free, but you MUST register for their meals. Additional meals MUST be ordered in advance; orders will NOT be accepted at the door. Don’t miss out on the end of season celebration and register for the Banquet TODAY!
- Date: Sunday, July 17, 2022
- Time: 4:30 to 8:00 PM
- Place: Los Paseos Clubhouse & lawn area
- Meal: Choice of Freshly Grilled Tacos with Carne Asada, Chicken, Al Pastor, or Grilled Vegetables. Rice, beans, chips and salsa will also be served.
- Cost: Swimmers eat free but must register to reserve a meal.
- Additional meals: $15 for adults; $13 for kids.
- Payment Options:
- Check: Make checks payable to LPAC and put your checks in the ACTIVITIES folder in the family files.
- Zelle: Use Zelle to pay Justin Katz at treasurer@swimlpac.org, Include “LPAC 2022 Banquet” with Swimmer Family Last Name in memo.
Use the button below to register now!
LPAC Banquet Registration – Must Register by July 5thCommunity Service Event on July 8th
Community Service Event
If you plan to participate in the community service event, please turn your waiver in NOW! We want waivers turned in ASAP to make sure that Friday’s event goes smoothly. We can’t wait to see Penguins of all ages, serving the community!
- Age Group: All age groups
- Date: Friday, July 8th
- Time: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
- Location: Los Paseos Park. Meet at the pool at 10:15 am and we will walk over together.
- Waiver: Everyone participating must fill out a Volunteer Waiver. Turn in your waiver to the “ACTIVITIES” folder in the family files.
- Cost: None
- Questions: Amelia Hadfield (
If you live in the Los Paseos neighborhood and love to swim, we would love to have you on our team!
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
Damon and Jenn Holst: Gold Level Sponsor since 2021
Brad Gill with NextHome Lifestyles: Gold Level Sponsor since 2022
The Kwende Family Presents The Mukah Enrich Foundation: Gold Level Sponsor since 2022
Los Paseos Aquatic Club (LPAC) is a non-profit organization that has served the Los Paseos community for over 50 years.
As a family-oriented summer swim team, LPAC provides children in the Los Paseos neighborhood the opportunity to participate in competitive swimming in a fun, friendly, and supportive environment. Team members range in age from 5 to 18 years old.
LPAC is a member of the Valley Cabana Swim League and swims against other cabana teams in San Jose and Los Gatos.
All donations to LPAC are tax-deductible. The team’s Tax ID# is 77‑0453769.