LPAC: Friday Reminders 5/3/24

Dear Penguins and Parents:

The first week of practices is always exciting. LPAC rents the pool from the HOA and the pool manager has already witnessed and addressed members of the LPAC governing board. There has been food (sunflower seed shells) and a bag of food garbage left on the pool deck, swimmers are walking on picnic tables, and the corn hole sets, and a piece of patio furniture was damaged. We need to remind everyone that we are guests of the HOA and the swim team is liable for behavior and damages. Please watch your swimmers and clean up trash and set the deck furniture back to how you found it. 


Don’t miss out on the last sizing event for our new team suit, today! 

  • Date: Friday, May 3rd
  • Time: 5:00-8:00pm
  • Location: Los Paseos Pool

Please remember to have your swimmer try on a swimsuit before they get in the pool for practice. It is much easier to try on suits when swimmers are not already wet!

Once you know what size your swimmer needs, please use the order link below to place your order! Place orders by May 4, 2024 to receive shipment by our first meet. May the 4th be with you!

All LPAC members are encouraged to purchase team swim suits, but it is not required. Swimmers who choose not to purchase a team swim suit must have a solid black suit to use for team picture day and meets. 


  • Order Link: LPAC Swimsuit Store
  • Password (case sensitive): lpac2024 
  • Shipping fee: $9 per order or free delivery with $100 purchase.
  • Shipping: Orders will be shipped directly to you! 
  • Order Deadline: May 4, 2024


Don’t wanna cook dinner before Penguin Madness? Support our LPAC Pizza Fundraiser! Pizza will be available on Friday, May 10th from 5:15-6pm, right before Penguin Madness. Just $6 for pizza and a soda. RSVP for your pizza when you register your swimmer. Registration deadline is Monday, May 6th!

We have T-shirts, Parkas, sweats and lots of other goodies to show your LPAC pride and keep your swimmers fashionably warm! The Bling option, our LPAC Penguin Logo embellished with colored rhinestones, is again available on selected shirts and hoodies for an additional cost. Deadline to order is May 5, 2024, with an expected delivery date of June 1, 2024.
Please use the 2024 LPAC Merchandise Order Form to place your order by May 5th!

Please check out the Suits & Merchandise page for up-to-date information.


Practices start April 29th with age group times as follows:

  • 8 & under: 5:30-6:15 pm
  • 9-11: 6:15-7:00 pm
  • 12-14: 7:00-8:00 pm
  • High school: 8:00-9:00 pm

Please arrive on time and ready to swim!

LPAC: Weekly Update 4/29/24

Dear Penguins and Parents:

Welcome back! Regular team practices start today. Please join us for some munchies and drinks on the pool deck on Monday, April 29th, as we kick off the season. We can’t wait to see you all at the pool!


Practices start April 29th with age group times as follows:

  • 8 & under: 5:30-6:15 pm
  • 9-11: 6:15-7:00 pm
  • 12-14: 7:00-8:00 pm
  • High school: 8:00-9:00 pm

Please arrive on time and ready to swim!


Swimsuit try-ons are happening today!

  • Date: Monday, April 29th
  • Time: 5:00-8:00pm
  • Location: Los Paseos Pool

Second swimsuit try-on event is on Friday, May 3rd.

  • Date: Friday, May 3rd
  • Time: 5:00-8:00pm
  • Location: Los Paseos Pool

Please remember to have your swimmer try on a swimsuit before they get in the pool for practice. It is much easier to try on suits when swimmers are not already wet!

Once you know what size your swimmer needs, please use the order link below to place your order! Place orders by May 4, 2024 to receive shipment by our first meet. May the 4th be with you!

All LPAC members are encouraged to purchase team swim suits, but it is not required. Swimmers who choose not to purchase a team swim suit must have a solid black suit to use for team picture day and meets. 


  • Order Link: LPAC Swimsuit Store
  • Password (case sensitive): lpac2024 
  • Shipping fee: $9 per order or free delivery with $100 purchase.
  • Shipping: Orders will be shipped directly to you! 
  • Order Deadline: May 4, 2024


We have T-shirts, Parkas, sweats and lots of other goodies to show your LPAC pride and keep your swimmers fashionably warm! The Bling option, our LPAC Penguin Logo embellished with colored rhinestones, is again available on selected shirts and hoodies for an additional cost. Deadline to order is May 5, 2024, with an expected delivery date of June 1, 2024.
Please use the 2024 LPAC Merchandise Order Form to place your order by May 5th!

Please check out the Suits & Merchandise page for up-to-date information.


Most of the year, we’re all one big happy penguin family. But at Penguin Madness, swimmers from all age groups are grouped into different penguin teams that compete in fun non-swimming events like tug-of-war and musical chairs to see who has the most penguin power. Sign your swimmer up by Monday, May 6th!

LPAC: Weekly Update 4/22/24

Dear Penguins and Parents:It’s hard to believe that practices start next week! We can’t wait to see you all at the pool. Please join us for some munchies and drinks on the pool deck on Monday, April 29th during the first team practice of the 2024 season! 


Practices start April 29th with age group times as follows:

  • 8 & under: 5:30-6:15 pm
  • 9-11: 6:15-7:00 pm
  • 12-14: 7:00-8:00 pm
  • High school: 8:00-9:00 pm

Please arrive on time and ready to swim!


It’s a new swimsuit year and we have a new vendor! All LPAC members are encouraged to purchase team swim suits, but it is not required. Swimmers who choose not to purchase a team swim suit must have a solid black suit to use for team picture day and meets. 

We will have a swimsuit sizing event on April 29th. Once you know what size your swimmer needs, please use the order link below to place your order! Place orders by May 4, 2024 to receive shipment by our first meet. May the 4th be with you!

Swimsuit Try-Ons:

  • Date: April 29th
  • Time: 5:30-7:45pm
  • Location: Los Paseos Pool


  • Order Link: LPAC Swimsuit Store
  • Password (case sensitive): lpac2024 
  • Shipping fee: $9 per order or free delivery with $100 purchase.
  • Shipping: Orders will be shipped directly to you! 
  • Order Deadline: May 4, 2024

Please check out the Suits & Merchandise page for up-to-date information.


Check out our new lane lines when you get to practice! We are so excited that they make the pool look so Penguiny! Thanks to our generous swim-a-thon donations last year, we were able to purchase new lane lines, that we desperately needed. Thank you to everyone that participated in the swim-a-thon last year!


This year’s Swim-a-Thon will be on June 18th. We will be raising money to refurbish the LPAC storage shed. This has been needed for a long while. We would like to fix the floor and roof of the shed. Please help us to raise money for this cause this year. More information to come.


Do you know of a company in or around the neighborhood that may want to be a part of the greatest swim team around? We are looking for companies to Sponsor LPAC.

Our swim team is the best and least expensive team in our cabana league. (We may be a little biased.) Our ability to keep our swimmers until they graduate only proves our point. Next time you are at a swim meet, count the number of older swimmers the opposing team has and compare it to LPAC. 

In order to keep our registration costs low and continue all our fun penguin traditions, we need to find companies to Sponsor us. If you know of a company in the area that would want to help please email Kelly.fumagalli@gmail.com.”


We have T-shirts, Parkas, sweats and lots of other goodies to show your LPAC pride and keep your swimmers fashionably warm! The Bling option, our LPAC Penguin Logo embellished with colored rhinestones, is again available on selected shirts and hoodies for an additional cost. Deadline to order is May 5, 2024, with an expected delivery date of June 1, 2024.
Please use the 2024 LPAC Merchandise Order Form to place your order by May 5th!

Please plan to pay by check only, which will be returned if needed after tryouts. For questions, contact: Lynnae Brady, 408-504-6914, Lynnaebrady2021@gmail.com

Pre-Season LPAC Reminders

Dear Penguins and Parents,

Swim season is just around the corner! We can’t wait to see you all at the pool. Just a few quick notes and reminders:


As you all know, it takes a lot to run our fabulous swim team! As a reminder, each LPAC family must provide at least one adult volunteer to work at least one shift at each meet (home, away, and Champs) per swimmer when that child is swimming.

Due to the high demands of swim meets, we ask that families with two or more swimmers contribute two volunteer shifts for each meet. Families with three or more swimmers will not be asked to contribute more than two volunteer shifts per meet. We are all in this together and we cannot do this without every family’s support! 

All returning families need to fill out the Volunteer Jobs Form. If you have not filled it out yet, please do so now. 

Information about volunteer sign-ups will be communicated to you by the Volunteer Coordinators. If you have a question, please ask or check out the Volunteer page of the website!

Please be sure to check the Volunteer Assignment Link on each meet page and/or the Friday Reminder email before each meet to confirm your Volunteer Position.

We have T-shirts, Parkas, sweats and lots of other goodies to show your LPAC pride and keep your swimmers fashionably warm! The Bling option, our LPAC Penguin Logo embellished with colored rhinestones, is again available on selected shirts and hoodies for an additional cost. Deadline to order is May 5, 2024, with an expected delivery date of June 1, 2024.
Please use the 2024 LPAC Merchandise Order Form to place your order by May 5th!

NEW SWIMMER FAMILIES: We recommend placing an order while you await the tryout results and we can cancel it if needed. Please plan to pay by check only, which will be returned if needed after tryouts. For questions, contact: Lynnae Brady, 408-504-6914, Lynnaebrady2021@gmail.com

It’s a new swimsuit year and we have a new vendor. Please stay tuned for swimsuit ordering information. The Suits & Merchandise page of the website will be updated soon! 

NEW FAMILY MEETING on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm: Prospective Penguin Families are required to have at least one parent attend this meeting. The meeting generally lasts about one hour. Kids are welcome but not expected to attend. Returning families are not required to attend.

Practices start April 29th with age group times as follows:

  • 8 & under: 5:30-6:15 pm
  • 9-11: 6:15-7:00 pm
  • 12-14: 7:00-8:00 pm
  • High school: 8:00-9:00 pm

Please arrive on time and ready to swim!