It takes a village to run a swim team, and volunteering is an important part of the Los Paseos Aquatic Club!
Parent support is required in order to run the swim meets in a timely and efficient manner. The LPAC by-laws Article II, Section 5.b.2 states that members of LPAC have the following responsibilities: to cooperate in support of all club activities, and to attend and assist at swim meets.
Each swimmer must have a parent (guardian) sign and commit to comply with this policy. Family support can be contributed by a parent, grandparent, or any adult family representative. A family representative that is capable of volunteering, must be available whenever a swimmer is present at a swim meet regardless of the swimmer’s age. Each LPAC family with one swimmer will need to support 4 to 5 shifts of work throughout the regular season per swimmer. Each LPAC family with 2 or more swimmers will need to support 8 to 10 shifts of work throughout the regular season. The number of shifts required will be based on the number of home meets each season. Sign up for home meet shifts are on a first-come, first-served basis at the beginning of the season. Away meet shifts will be assigned and coordinated to ensure fairness for those families who do not sign up for enough shifts during home meets.
Swim meet volunteering is separate from volunteering at special events. Volunteering at special events does not satisfy parent support for swim meets.
Please visit the Volunteering page under the Team Info tab on the website (www.swimlpac.org) for further information on the positions available. Families who have a hardship working the meet(s) need to contact the LPAC Volunteer Coordinator to arrange an alternate support schedule and or activities.
In addition to working volunteer shifts, each LPAC family will be responsible to clean up at one of our home meets. You can sign up at the beginning of the season on a first-come, first-served basis. You will be assigned a date if you do not sign up.
Per our bylaws, families who do not fulfill their parent support obligations will not be in good standing with the club, and their swimmers will not be allowed to return to the team the following year. In addition, a monetary fee may be assessed to compensate for the lack of participation.
- Li and Jeannie Fang

Volunteer Jobs
There are a variety of volunteer jobs available. If you are new to the swim team, we suggest you try out several different jobs to see which one works best for you and your family. Sign-ups for these will begin via email for returning families and at the preseason meeting for new families.
Volunteer Positions and their descriptions are linked here: LPAC Volunteer Descriptions
Please note that per our bylaws, families who do not fulfill their parent support obligations will not be in good standing with the club, and their swimmers will not be allowed to return to the team the next year.
Families who have a hardship working the meet(s) need to contact the LPAC Volunteer Coordinator immediately to arrange an alternate support schedule.
LPAC Required Parent Support Policy
This Parent Support Commitment and Agreement is required to register your swimmer(s) in the Los Paseos Aquatic Club (LPAC). Parent support is required in order to run the swim meets in a timely and efficient manner. The LPAC by-laws Article II, Section 5.b.4 states that members or LPAC have the following responsibilities: to cooperate in support of all club activities, and to attend and assist at swim meets.
Each swimmer must have a parent (guardian) sign and commit to comply with this policy. Family support can be contributed by a parent, grandparent, or any adult family representative. Each LPAC family with one swimmer must provide at least one adult volunteer to work at least one shift at each meet (home or away) when their child is swimming. Due to the high demands of swim meets, we ask that families with two or more swimmers contribute two volunteer shifts for each meet. Families with three or more swimmers will not be asked to contribute more than two volunteer shifts per meet. We are all in this together and we cannot do this without every family’s support!
Each meet requires 140 volunteer positions to be filled for the meet to run. Please visit the Volunteering page under the Team Info tab on the website (www.swimlpac.org) for further information on the positions available. Some volunteer positions can be completed before the day of the meet. Families who have a hardship working the meet(s) need to contact the LPAC Volunteer Coordinator to arrange an alternate support schedule.
Volunteer positions fall into three categories: Trained, Non-Trained with season commitment, and Non-Trained with rotating sign-ups. Trained positions require additional training and will be permanent meet positions for the entire season. Non-Trained positions are just as essential to each meet. Some will be a season-long commitment, and some have a rotating first-come, first-served sign-ups.
Information about volunteer sign-ups will be communicated to you by the Volunteer Coordinators. If you have a question, please ask! Please be sure to check the Volunteer Assignment Link on each meet page and/or the Friday Reminder email before each meet to confirm your Volunteer Position.
In addition to working volunteer shifts, each LPAC family will be responsible to clean up at one of our meets. You can sign up at the beginning of the year on a first-come, first-served basis, but you will be assigned a date even if you don’t sign up. Parents must also sign up for and work one position shift for the VCSL Championship Meet. Families with multiple swimmers on the team may be asked to fill more than one shift at Champs.
Per our bylaws, families who do not fulfill their parent support obligations will not be in good standing with the club, and their swimmers will not be allowed to return to the team the following year. In addition, a monetary fee may be assessed to compensate for the lack of participation.