LPAC 2025 New Family Registration

New Family Registration 

Thank you for your interest in Joining LPAC! Los Paseos Aquatic Club (LPAC) is a family-oriented summer swim team. We provide children in the Los Paseos community the opportunity to participate in competitive swimming in a fun, friendly, and supportive environment. Team members range in age from 5 to 18 years old.

The LPAC swim team is limited to 150 swimmers, and we typically have only a few openings each year. Follow the steps below to register your swimmer(s). Each part of the process is time sensitive.

STEP 1: Complete New Family Registration Forms

New Family Registration Forms* and Payment must be completed and submitted at the walk-in registration, Saturday, March 15th. *

You must submit a printed hard copy of your registration forms. No digital forms will be accepted. Your payment will not be applied until your swimmer(s) makes the team. If we are unable to offer your swimmer(s) a spot on the team, your registration fees will be refunded to you.
2025 New Family Registration Packet 

STEP 2: Walk-in Registration on Saturday, May 15th

Walk-in Registration for new families begins Saturday, March 15th, 2025, starting at 8:00 AM and ending by 9:00 AM at the Los Paseos Clubhouse, 7047 Via Ramada. Registration is first come, first serve. 

1 We will email the results from the New Family registration to you by April 1, 2025.
2The New Family Meeting will be held on April 10, 2025 at the Los Paseos Clubhouse at 7pm.  
3New Swimmer Tryouts will begin on April 21, 2025.
4Highest registration priority is given to members of the Los Paseos Association
5Next priority is given to those families who live within the LPA boundaries (south of Bernal/west of 101/east of the golf course). 
6Families who are not part of the Los Paseos neighborhood but live within a 5-mile radius of the pool are also eligible to join the team, if there are openings.
7If we are unable to offer your swimmer(s) a spot on the LPAC swim team, your registration fees will be refunded to you.

For more information about LPAC, please visit our website.
Thank you for participating in the New Family Registration Process.

2025 LPAC Registration – Due Tomorrow, March 2nd

Welcome to the LPAC Penguin 2025 Season! 
This is a friendly reminder that LPAC Registration for returning families and new siblings
is due Tomorrow, Sunday, March 2nd! 

2025 Registration for New and Returning Families
Things to know:
Returning Family Registration due March 2 at the Los Paseos Clubhouse: 
All completed packets must be submitted as a hard copy to the LPAC office at the pool by March 2.
We do not have the time to print email submitted registrations.
Please clearly mark your registration with “LPAC Penguins” to differentiate from HOA mail
.Attn: LPAC Penguins
c/o Los Paseos Clubhouse
7047 Via Ramada
San Jose, CA 95139
Payments by Zelle: We are now accepting registration payments via Zelle,
just look us up under the email
 treasurer@swimlpac.org using your Zelle App or bank.
Be sure to include the family name and swimmers in the memo section
.Know a New Family who wants to join our team? 
Please have them send an email to
 Info@swimlpac.org with a subject line of “New Family 2025”
to inquire about Walk-In Registration held on March 15th, 8:00 – 9:00 AM at the Los Paseos Clubhouse.
Want to plan a vacation? ~ Here are general dates for the season
.Tryouts and Practices:

Tryouts for all new swimmers: begins April 21st in the afternoon.
Practice for Everyone: begins April 28th in the afternoon and early evenings.
Morning Practices: begins June 9th.Swim Meets:
Time Trials, May 31st (Home)
Meet #1 June 7th (Away)
Meet #2 June 14th (Home)
Meet #3 June 21st (Home)
Meet #4 June 28th (TBD
)Meet #5 July 12th (Away)
CHAMPS  July 19th (Morgan Hill Aquatic Center)
Banquet July 20th (Home)

2025 LPAC Registration – Available Today, February 22nd!

Welcome to the LPAC
Penguin 2025 Season! Registration for returning families and new siblings
is available today February 22nd! 
2025 Registration for New and Returning Families

Things to know:
Returning Family Registration due March 2 at the Los Paseos Clubhouse: 
All completed packets must be submitted as a hard copy to the LPAC office at the pool by March 2.
We do not have the time to print email submitted registrations.
Please clearly mark your registration with “LPAC Penguins” to differentiate from HOA mail.
Attn: LPAC Penguins c/o Los Paseos Clubhouse 7047 Via Ramada San Jose, CA 95139

Payments by Zelle: We are now accepting registration payments via Zelle,
just look us up under the email treasurer@swimlpac.org using your Zelle App or bank.
Be sure to include the family name and swimmers in the memo section.

Know a New Family who wants to join our team? 
Please have them send an email to Info@swimlpac.org with a subject line of “New Family 2025”
to inquire about Walk-In Registration held on March 15th, 8:00 – 9:00 AM at the Los Paseos Clubhouse.

Want to plan a vacation? ~ Here are general dates for the season
.Tryouts and Practices:
Tryouts for all new swimmers: begins April 21st in the afternoon.
Practice for Everyone: begins April 28th in the afternoon and early evenings.
Morning Practices: begins June 9thSwim
Time Trials, May 31st (Home)\
Meet #1 June 7th (Away)
Meet #2 June 14th (Home)
Meet #3 June 21st (Home)
Meet #4 June 28th (TBD)
Meet #5 July 12th (Away)
CHAMPS  July 19th (Morgan Hill Aquatic Center)
Banquet July 20th (Home)

LPAC: Save the Date: Sat, Nov 16 @10am | LPAC Clubhouse 

Hi Penguin Family!

LPAC is adding something new and fun this year for the holidays! 

We invite you to the LPAC Clubhouse to decorate an ornament for a tree, donated by the LPAC board, to be represented at Christmas in the Park, an annual holiday tradition Downtown San José at the Plaza de Cesar Chavez event has brought people from all over the Bay Area together during the holidays. It is a place of community, much like LPAC.

This year’s Christmas in the Park theme is “A Green Christmas,” and we’re giving it an LPAC twist! Think sustainable, green decorations, LPAC penguins, logos, colors—whatever brings the LPAC spirit. Get creative and go wild!


November 16th from 10am to 12pm PST

About the ornament:
LPAC will provide you with a DIY ornament kit. 
Feel free to get creative with your own creation using other supplies.
Prefer to buy an ornament? That works too!

What’s Christmas in the Park? Learn more here

Can’t make it November 16th between 10am – 12pm? No problem! Drop off your ornament at Toni Mendez’s house (text Toni to arrange drop off time) anytime between now and Friday, November 22 to ensure your LPAC ornament will be on our team tree.

Email or text Heidi Apolinar with questions: heidiapolinar@yahoo.com

Happy Holidays,   

 LPAC Board Members!  

LPAC: End of 2024 Season Wrap Up (7/15/24)

Dear Penguins Posse,

LPAC had an amazing season this year! We were 4 and 1 in our dual meets and we came in 2nd place at Champs! Thank you to all of our swimmers and parent volunteers that have been so dedicated to this community.

One of our 6 and under broke four, right said FOUR, LPAC records. Caleb G. broke a record for each stroke. Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle.

One of our High Schoolers, Tomas M., broke the LPAC record in Breastroke.

And our high school relay team, Lucas C., Rachel H., Sam I. and Tomas M., broke the LPAC record for the 200 yard medley relay. 

Congratulations to all of our Penguins! Everyone worked so hard this year.


If your swimmer took photos and did not receive a 4×6 picture of your swimmer, a team photo and a picture button please email Meghan Engle-Carlson. If you ordered extra items from the website this items will be delivered to the address you provided. If your swimmer missed picture day but they would still like a team photo Meghan has extra team photos for you. Please email Meghan and set up a time to get your pictures from her.


If you did not attend the Banquet, you can pick up your trophies and ribbons at Coach Scott’s house. Please text Coach Scott (408-613-5126) to arrange a time to pick them up. After next week, they’ll go back into the LPAC shed until next season!


Many families have expressed interest in year-round swimming. We’re lucky to live close to several good teams that offer flexible programs and schedules. See the Year-Round Swimming page on the team website for more information. South Valley Stingrays is closest, and Coach Jerry said LPAC swimmers are welcome to come by the Rancho Santa Teresa pool. Contact the Stingrays info.svstingrays@gmail.com.  If you have any questions, you can send email to coaches@swimlpac.org or talk to any of the year-round swim families to discuss which program might work best for you. We encourage you to sign up with a friend or two – it helps with carpooling, and makes it more fun!


If you would like to view any of the Slideshows for the past three years, please click on the links below:
2024 Slideshow
2023 Slideshow
2022 Slideshow


Do you know of a company in or around the neighborhood that may want to be a part of the greatest swim team around? We are looking for companies to Sponsor LPAC.

Our swim team is the best and least expensive team in our cabana league. (We may be a little biased.) Our ability to keep our swimmers until they graduate only proves our point. Next time you are at a swim meet, count the number of older swimmers the opposing team has and compare it to LPAC. 

In order to keep our registration costs low and continue all our fun penguin traditions, we need to find companies to Sponsor us. These Tax Deductible Sponsorships helps support our various programs that inspire our youth towards a future of service and community building. Contact Kelly or info@swimlpac.org for more information. Check out the Sponsorship Webpage. If you know of a company in the area that would want to help Sponsor LPAC’s 2025 season please email Kelly.fumagalli@gmail.com.”


Be on the lookout for future emails about the Penguin Polar Plunge for New Year’s and Registration in February, due in March. If you and your family had a great time this year recruit your friend’s to join the team for next year. Thank you all for a wonderful season. See you next year and Go Penguins!

LPAC: Friday Reminders CHAMPS (7/12/24)

Dear Penguin Family,

Please have you swimmer empty out their family folders this morning. The.Swim pictures were put in your folders earlier this week. If your swimmer took photos and did not receive a 4×6 picture of your swimmer, a team photo and a picture button please email Meghan Engle-Carlson. If you ordered extra items from the website this items will be delivered to the address you provided. If your swimmer missed picture day but they would still like a team photo Meghan has extra team photos for you. Find her at the Banquet and she will give you one.

Tomorrow is the day we have been working towards all season. It is finally here. Champs!!! Let’s do our Penguin best! Penguin Power! Go Penguins!

Champs is the final swim meet of the season, with all six teams in the Valley Cabana Swim League (over 700 swimmers!) competing against each other to determine the overall champion for the season.

  • Location: Morgan Hill Aquatic Center
    16200 Condit Road
    Morgan Hill, CA  95037
  • Date: Saturday, July 13, 202
  • Time: Check in no later than 7:15 am for both swimmers and volunteers.
  • Gates open at 6:15 am. Do not arrive before 6:15 am.
  • Champs Schedule Link
  • Meet Entries and Volunteer Assignments are posted to the Champs page of the website.
  • If your child is sick, please call or text:
    • Coach Scott: 408-613-5126, and
    • Li Fang; 408-930-8033 or
    • Jeanne Fang; 408-981-3370


We had such a great time celebrating our swimmers with you last night. If you missed it please take a look at the recap of the Slide Show. We will be sending out a link to the swimmer video soon, so keep your eyes open. Thank you to everyone that helped put Spirit Night together for our LPAC community to enjoy.

DIRECTIONS FROM LPAC: (15-20 min drive)

  • Take Hwy 101 South
  • Exit on E. Dunne and turn Left onto E. Dunne
  • Take the 1st Right onto Condit Rd. (second stop light)
  • Go about 0.7 miles, MHAC will be on your Left


  • Each team is given a designated team area, as you can see on the Champs map.
  • Ours is directly to the right of the pool, between Silver Creek and Oaktree.
  • Families that would like their EZ Up to be set up at Champs must bring their EZ Up to the clubhouse no later than Friday, July 12 at 3:00PM. Place a large piece of tape on one leg of your EZ Up with your family name clearly marked. There is no guarantee that your EZ Up will be set up, due to space concerns. Space is very limited and families will need to squeeze in tight.
  • Do not bring extra EZ Ups to Champs. There is no room for any other EZ Ups besides the few that we will be bringing to MH on Saturday.


  • There will be parking Marshalls directing traffic.
  • Parking spots at the Main Entrance are reserved. You may not park where you see an orange cone.
  • Parking will be under the solar panels to the far end of the pool. There is a gate to enter from that side.
  • We encourage each family to bring only one car or carpool.
  • If you park in one of the businesses across the street be prepared to be towed.


  • Check in with Li and Jeannie no later than at 7:15 am, no matter which shift you are working.
  • If you have a problem with your shift, text either of the volunteer coordinators immediately:
    • Li Fang; 408-930-8033 or
    • Jeanne Fang; 408-981-3370
  • You will be given an LPAC name tag with your shift assignment on it, please wear it.
  • Please pay attention to when there is a shift change and be at least 5 min. EARLY reporting to your shift.
  • Don’t leave your job until someone comes to replace you. If no one replaces you, contact Li or Jeannie.


  • Clerk of the Course and Clerk Marshalls must attend a mandatory meeting at the “Clerk of the Course” area at 7:45AM.
  • Stroke and Turn Judges must attend a mandatory meeting at 7:45AM (see attached map for your meeting spot, located on the recreation side of the MHAC Champs map
  • There will be no Marshall meeting this year. If you are working as a Marshall or Parking Marshall, Li or Jeannie will give you specific information.
  • If you are a TIMER or RECORDER, your “meeting/instructions” will be given behind the blocks prior to the start of your shift.  Please check the attached volunteer assignment document to see what position you are working.


  • LPAC Warm-Ups: 7:30- 8:00 am
  • The warm up/cool down lanes are to be used by LPAC during warm up..
  • NO DIVING without coach supervision!
  • After the meet begins, the warm-down pool will be at the far end of the pool with 2 ‘buffer lanes’ between the competition lanes and warm-down pool (absolutely no swimming in the buffer lanes).
  • This warm-down pool is not a play space. These lanes are to be used for warming up or cooling down between races.


  • MHAC opens to the public at 11:30am.
  • The public will not be using our competition area of the facility, but will be in the adjoining ‘water park’.
  • Swimmers in Champs, their siblings, friends, etc., are under no circumstances allowed to use or be near the ‘water park’ or the 25 yard pool on that side of the windscreen.
  • You will have to pass this area to go to the snack bar and restrooms, which will be fine.


  • Only coaches, clerk of the course volunteers and swimmers are allowed at the clerk.
  • No siblings, friends, or fans will be allowed in the bench area.
  • Drop your swimmers off and go watch them race!
  • Please don’t send swimmers to the Clerk of the Course too early, due to crowding.


  • Programs are $30 each and are for sale by the Main Entrance.
  • The meet is pre-seeded so if you buy a program you will know exactly which heat and lane your swimmer will be in.
  • Heat and lane assignments will also be posted in several places throughout the facility.


  • At Champs we will have a Referee & Starter running the meet. Our swimmers have been practicing this all season and should be very comfortable with the procedure.


  • Our League follows the USA Swimming guidelines for swimsuits. 
  • At Champs, you may not wear suits with rubber materials, or suits with zippers. 
  • You will be DQ’d if you are wearing an illegal suit. 
  • Wear your team caps only (or a plain cap), no high-school logos or year-round swim team logos are allowed on caps OR suits.  
  • Your swimmer should either be in an LPAC suit or a plain black suit. Your swimmer could be DQ’d for not wearing the appropriate swimsuit.


  • The spectator area is all around the pool deck, except where the coaches are sitting.


  • Top ten (10) placements in each event scores points at Champs.
  • Every swimmer can contribute by improving their times! 


  • Please remember that parent volunteers, such as YOU run the team and the Valley Cabana Swim League.
  • We have all worked hard to make this day positive and fun for our children.
  • Some of us have been working on the Champs Meet since January.
  • Please keep this in mind if there is any hardship for you or your children during the day.
  • Please seek direction with understanding and kindness.
  • Enjoy this day with your Penguin family and teammates.

LPAC: Register for Banquet & High School Penguin Parents Sign up for Spaghetti Dinner

Dear Penguin Fam,

Today, July 9th, is the last day to register for meals for the Banquet on Sunday. We need to know how many meals we need before the event so that we can tell the vendor to bring that much food. It is very important that people sign up. We will not have extra meals for sale the day of the banquet.


The End of Season Banquet is our chance to celebrate the swimmers, the coaches, the families, the sponsors and especially the age-outs. For one last time, we’ll all get together to have dinner, pass out trophies, say goodbye to our age-out swimmers, and celebrate another great season. 

  • Date: Sunday, July 14, 2024 @. 4:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Place: Los Paseos Clubhouse back lawn area
  • Meal Choices in Banquet Form
  • Cost: Swimmers eat free but must turn in 2024 LPAC Banquet form to reserve a meal.
  • Additional meals: Price $15 for each additional meal.. You MUST order extra meals by July 9th.  Orders will not be accepted at the door.
  • Payment Options:
    • Check: Make checks payable to LPAC and put your checks in the TREASURER folder in the family files with Banquet written in Notes section on Check.
    • Zelle: Use Zelle to pay Justin Katz at treasurer@swimlpac.org, Include “LPAC 2024 Banquet” with Swimmer Family Last Name in memo. 
  • Registration Deadline:Fill out 2024 LPAC Banquet form and pay by July 9, 2024
  • Contact: Geoege Nijmeh or email info@swimlpac.org


Come enjoy a fun night with your Penguin Posse. The Thursday night before Champs is “Spirit Night,” where swimmers get together to eat pizza, decorate posters to hang up at Champs, and elect swimmer reps for next year. Meanwhile, parents have a mandatory meeting and elect next year’s Board members. Then everyone gets together in the clubhouse for the awarding of Splash & Dash prizes and a slide show/video celebrating the season and energizing the team to do their best at Champs. It is always a fun night full of cheers and excitement. Please join us July 11 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm


Come decorate your car for Champs with us. We will be decorating between 5 and 6 pm on Friday. If you cannot make it then come by after the Spaghetti dinner at 7. Bring your cars to the back of the church parking lot closest to Los Paseos. We will provide some washable car markers. If you would like to bring your own please do so. Show your Penguin Spirit!


The night before Champs, all High School aged swimmers, who have completed their Freshman year of High School or older, are invited to “carbo-load” with their teammates at the LPAC Spaghetti Dinner. Families of High School age Penguins are asked to Sign up to provide part of the dinner & help make the Spaghetti dinner a success.

LPAC: Weekly Update (7/08/24)

Dear Penguin Clan,

We hope that everyone had a fun and relaxing, or wet and wild, weekend without an LPAC meet. The raft trip was hot but everyone had a blast for those of our LPAC family that went. There is some important information in this email that you don’t want to miss.

It is of the upmost importance that all swimmers come to every practice they can make this week before Champs. The Coaches are trying to prepare the swimmers for Champs this week.


  • The league is bringing back Premier Parking Spots Raffle to also help reduce costs of CHAMPS.  LPAC has two spots right outside the back gates under the solar panels to raffle off. We will sell tickets on Thursday night at Spirit Night for $5 each. If you win you receive a special parking pass and premiere spot for the entire day.


Last Week before Champs is Spirit Week. Each day penguins get to dress up and after practice they get a special treat.

Monday: Messy Hair Monday. Wear pajamas. 
Tuesday: Tattoo Tuesday. We will have fun tattoos/stickers for the kids to put on after practice. Whatever Wednesday: Wear something from pop culture. Disney, sports, music groups, etc.
Thursday: Twin Thursday. Dress up like twins. 
Penguin Power Friday. Show your Penguin spirit.


The End of Season Banquet is our chance to celebrate the swimmers, the coaches, the families, the sponsors and especially the age-outs. For one last time, we’ll all get together to have dinner, pass out trophies, say goodbye to our age-out swimmers, and celebrate another great season. 

  • Date: Sunday, July 14, 2024 @. 4:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Place: Los Paseos Clubhouse back lawn area
  • Meal Choices in Banquet Form
  • Cost: Swimmers eat free but must turn in 2024 LPAC Banquet form to reserve a meal.
  • Additional meals: Price $15 for each additional meal.. You MUST order extra meals by July 9th.  Orders will not be accepted at the door.
  • Payment Options:
    • Check: Make checks payable to LPAC and put your checks in the TREASURER folder in the family files with Banquet written in Notes section on Check.
    • Zelle: Use Zelle to pay Justin Katz at treasurer@swimlpac.org, Include “LPAC 2024 Banquet” with Swimmer Family Last Name in memo. 
  • Registration Deadline:Fill out 2024 LPAC Banquet form and pay by July 9, 2024
  • Contact: Geoege Nijmeh or email info@swimlpac.org


The Thursday night before Champs is “Spirit Night,” where swimmers get together to eat pizza, decorate posters to hang up at Champs, and elect swimmer reps for next year. Meanwhile, parents have a mandatory meeting and elect next year’s Board members. Then everyone gets together in the for Splash & Dash awards and a slide show/video celebrating the season and energizing the team to do their best at Champs. It is always a fun night full of cheers and excitement.

  • Date: Thursday, July 11, 2024
  • Time: 6:30 – 9:00 pm
  • Location: LPAC Clubhouse
  • No alcohol is permitted on the premises. 
  • Pizza and drinks will be served for the kids, starting at 6:30pm.
  • **IMPORTANT** Parents will be receiving final details on Champs and voting on new LPAC Governing Board Members.
  • Swimmers that have earned prizes and submitted pledges will receive prizes at Spirit Night.


Judy Seps will be collecting contributions for coaches gifts through Spirit Night. As a reminder we do have 6 coaches this year. If you have not gotten a chance to contribute yet please get in contact with Judy. You may contribute with cash, check, or Venmo @judyseps (last four digits of her phone number are 3532). All funds will be pooled together to purchase gift cards. We will present the gift cards and Thank You cards to each coach at the LPAC banquet. This week is your final chance, so find Judy!


The night before Champs, all High School aged swimmers, who have completed their Freshman year of High School or older, are invited to “carbo-load” with their teammates at the LPAC Spaghetti Dinner. Families of High School age Penguins are asked to Sign up to help make the Spaghetti dinner a success.


Following the Spaghetti Dinner we invite all families to come decorate cars to show our penguin pride. All families are invited to bring their cars to the church parking lot, closest to the pool parking lot at 7:00pm, to have their cars decorated. Big buddies will be there to help with the decorating process. We will have some window markers available to use but would not be opposed to families bringing their own.


Follow LPAC Swim Team on Facebook! Want to include your kiddo in our posts? Share your pictures and videos with Amelia Hadfield, text them to her (408)529-5783 

 *Please ensure you have parents’ consent before sharing pictures of kids who aren’t yours.


Direct Link to the LPAC 2024 Gallery or  QR code

LPAC has included Memory Mates(one 8×10 team photo, one 4×6 photo of your swimmer and one button of your swimmer) in your registration costs and will be delivered to, and handed out by LPAC..Anything else that you want you can order online and will be shipped directly to the address that you enter at checkout. 

Any questions..Scott Phillips (Owner) 408-712-1697 Mobile# Text/Call. 


Photo booth photos of 2024 Penguin Overnighter password: LPAC%2024%
Enjoy! Photos will only be active until July 22, 2024. You can download your favorite.

LPAC: Friday Reminders (7/05/24)

Dear Penguin Huddle,

Can you believe that there is only one week left of Practice? This swim season has flown by. Today, July 5, is the last day to turn in your Splash & Dash pledges for your swimmer to receive prizes and to help support LPAC.

There is no meet Saturday. Have a great weekend free before Spirit Week and the Countdown til Champs begins.


Tomorrow is the Annual LPAC Raft Trip. If you are going remember to bring your waiver, if you did not already turn one in for each member of your family that is participating. An email was sent out Frida,y only to those that are on our Rafting list, about important reminders from the Sunshine Rafting company, let us know if you were missed and did not get the email. If you didn’t get to go this year don’t worry there is always next year. Have fun, Be safe and enjoy the time away with your Penguin comrades.


The End of Season Banquet is our chance to celebrate the swimmers, the coaches, the families, the sponsors and especially the age-outs. For one last time, we’ll all get together to have dinner, pass out trophies, say goodbye to our age-out swimmers, and celebrate another great season. 

  • Date: Sunday, July 14, 2024 @. 4:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Place: Los Paseos Clubhouse back lawn area
  • Meal Choices in Banquet Form
  • Cost: Swimmers eat free but must turn in 2024 LPAC Banquet form to reserve a meal.
  • Additional meals: Price $15 for each additional meal.. You MUST order extra meals by July 9th.  Orders will not be accepted at the door.
  • Payment Options:
    • Check: Make checks payable to LPAC and put your checks in the TREASURER folder in the family files with Banquet written in Notes section on Check.
    • Zelle: Use Zelle to pay Justin Katz at treasurer@swimlpac.org, Include “LPAC 2024 Banquet” with Swimmer Family Last Name in memo. 
  • Registration Deadline:Fill out 2024 LPAC Banquet form and pay by July 9, 2024
  • Contact: Geoege Nijmeh or email info@swimlpac.org


Last Week before Champs is Spirit Week. Each day penguins get to dress up and after practice they get a special treat.

Monday: Messy Hair Monday. Wear pajamas. 
Tuesday: Tattoo Tuesday. We will have fun tattoos/stickers for the kids to put on after practice. Whatever Wednesday: Wear something from pop culture. Disney, sports, music groups, etc.
Thursday: Twin Thursday. Dress up like twins. 
Penguin Power Friday. Show your Penguin spirit.


The Thursday night before Champs is “Spirit Night,” where swimmers get together to eat pizza, decorate posters to hang up at Champs, and elect swimmer reps for next year. Meanwhile, parents have a mandatory meeting and elect next year’s Board members. Then everyone gets together in the for Splash & Dash awards and a slide show/video celebrating the season and energizing the team to do their best at Champs. It is always a fun night full of cheers and excitement.

  • Date: Thursday, July 11, 2024
  • Time: 6:30 – 9:00 pm
  • Location: LPAC Clubhouse
  • No alcohol is permitted on the premises. 
  • Pizza and drinks will be served for the kids, starting at 6:30pm.
  • **IMPORTANT** Parents will be receiving final details on Champs and voting on new LPAC Governing Board Members.


The night before Champs, all High School aged swimmers, who have completed their Freshman year of High School or older, are invited to “carbo-load” with their teammates at the LPAC Spaghetti Dinner. Families of High School age Penguins  Parents are asked to Sign up to help make the Spaghetti dinner a success.


Following the Spaghetti Dinner we invite all families to come decorate cars to show our penguin pride. All families are invited to bring their cars to the church parking lot, closest to the pool parking lot at 7:00pm, to have their cars decorated. Big buddies will be there to help with the decorating process. We will have some window markers available to use but would not be opposed to families bringing their own.

Follow LPAC Swim Team on Facebook! Want to include your kiddo in our posts? Share your pictures and videos with Amelia Hadfield, text them to her (408)529-5783 

 *Please ensure you have parents’ consent before sharing pictures of kids who aren’t yours.

 Order more pictures anytime using the link to the LPAC 2024 Gallery or  QR code

Included in your registration for LPAC(one 8×10 team photo, one 4×6 photo of your swimmer and one button of your swimmer) will be delivered to, and handed out by LPAC at the banquet.. Everything else you will order online and will be shipped directly to the address that you enter at checkout. 

Any questions..Scott Phillips (Owner) 408-712-1697 Mobile# Text/Call. 


Photo booth photos of 2024 Penguin Overnighter password: LPAC%2024%
Enjoy! Photo Booth photos will stay active for just a month so if you see a few you like Download them.

LPAC: End of Season Important Information

Dear Penguin Kin,

Our season has almost come to an end. It has been such a fun year.

Penguins and Parents what an amazing job you all did being Community minded and helping us clean up Los Paseos Park. This event is near and dear to the entire Coaching staff. They are so proud of the 75 powerful Penguin helpers we had out there today. With all of the help we had we were done in a hour and a half. Then we got to have an extreme Penguin vs Penguin water fight and ended the morning with ice cream. Thank you to everyone that participated. You all did a great job! Keep up the good work for our community!

There is some important information in the email that we wanted to make you aware of.

  1. This Friday, July 5, is the last day to turn in your Splash & Dash pledges for your swimmer to receive prizes and to help support LPAC.
  2. Saturday, July 6th is the Annual LPAC Raft Trip. If you are attending remember to bring one signed waiver for each family member that is going rafting. If you already turned them in to the Rafting folder, you are all good. If you didn’t get to go this year don’t worry there is always next year.
  3. We received news from the Motel 6 in Oakdale that they have had some cancelations for this weekend. This means that they have more rooms with two Queen size beds available for LPAC families. Call for a reservation or to change your reservation and ask for the LPAC discount/manager’s special when booking your room. 
  4.  The End of Season Banquet is the day after Champs on Sunday July 14th. If anyone in your family wants to receive a meal please register by this upcoming Sunday, July 9th, using the 2024 LPAC Banquet form. On the Form there is a space for you to say how many swimmers are receiving free meals in your family and how many additional ($15) meals you will be paying for. We need your payment by Zelle, cash or check made out to LPAC with the Family name and Banquet clearly written on the notes section by July 9th.
  5. In order to make our Annual LPAC Spaghetti Dinner a hit for our high schoolers we need families of high schoolers to please Sign up to bring something to this event.

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