May 31, 2025
The first swim meet of the season is “Time Trials,” which is just like a regular meet but without the other team. LPAC swimmers race against their own teammates.
The purpose of time trials is to determine, under real race conditions, each swimmer’s time in every event. These times are used to determine seedings and calculate improvement points at the dual meets.
Attendance at Time Trials is mandatory, and we need parents to volunteer for positions just like at dual meets. It’s a good chance for swimmers and parents to get warmed up for the start of the season—and a great opportunity for our newest penguins to experience their very first races!

- Date: Saturday, May 31, 2025
- Time: Swimmers must check in with Coaches between 7:00 – 7:15 AM.
- Meet starts at 7:45 AM.
- Please click on the button below to let the coaches know if you will have to miss any part of the meet.
Los Paseos Pool
7047 Via Ramada
San Jose, CA 95139
- Meet Entries
- Volunteer Assignments
- Meet Results
These links will be active once .pdfs are available.