Dear Penguins Posse,

LPAC had an amazing season this year! We were 4 and 1 in our dual meets and we came in 2nd place at Champs! Thank you to all of our swimmers and parent volunteers that have been so dedicated to this community.

One of our 6 and under broke four, right said FOUR, LPAC records. Caleb G. broke a record for each stroke. Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle.

One of our High Schoolers, Tomas M., broke the LPAC record in Breastroke.

And our high school relay team, Lucas C., Rachel H., Sam I. and Tomas M., broke the LPAC record for the 200 yard medley relay. 

Congratulations to all of our Penguins! Everyone worked so hard this year.


If your swimmer took photos and did not receive a 4×6 picture of your swimmer, a team photo and a picture button please email Meghan Engle-Carlson. If you ordered extra items from the website this items will be delivered to the address you provided. If your swimmer missed picture day but they would still like a team photo Meghan has extra team photos for you. Please email Meghan and set up a time to get your pictures from her.


If you did not attend the Banquet, you can pick up your trophies and ribbons at Coach Scott’s house. Please text Coach Scott (408-613-5126) to arrange a time to pick them up. After next week, they’ll go back into the LPAC shed until next season!


Many families have expressed interest in year-round swimming. We’re lucky to live close to several good teams that offer flexible programs and schedules. See the Year-Round Swimming page on the team website for more information. South Valley Stingrays is closest, and Coach Jerry said LPAC swimmers are welcome to come by the Rancho Santa Teresa pool. Contact the Stingrays  If you have any questions, you can send email to or talk to any of the year-round swim families to discuss which program might work best for you. We encourage you to sign up with a friend or two – it helps with carpooling, and makes it more fun!


If you would like to view any of the Slideshows for the past three years, please click on the links below:
2024 Slideshow
2023 Slideshow
2022 Slideshow


Do you know of a company in or around the neighborhood that may want to be a part of the greatest swim team around? We are looking for companies to Sponsor LPAC.

Our swim team is the best and least expensive team in our cabana league. (We may be a little biased.) Our ability to keep our swimmers until they graduate only proves our point. Next time you are at a swim meet, count the number of older swimmers the opposing team has and compare it to LPAC. 

In order to keep our registration costs low and continue all our fun penguin traditions, we need to find companies to Sponsor us. These Tax Deductible Sponsorships helps support our various programs that inspire our youth towards a future of service and community building. Contact Kelly or for more information. Check out the Sponsorship Webpage. If you know of a company in the area that would want to help Sponsor LPAC’s 2025 season please email”


Be on the lookout for future emails about the Penguin Polar Plunge for New Year’s and Registration in February, due in March. If you and your family had a great time this year recruit your friend’s to join the team for next year. Thank you all for a wonderful season. See you next year and Go Penguins!