Practice Begins This Monday Morning!!!!

Practice Starts June 7th!

Mon – Fri  Time

Groups by Class Level or Age

6:30 – 7:15

 HS Juniors and Seniors
(11th & 12th grade)

7:15 – 8:00

 HS Freshman and Sophmores
(9th & 10th grade)

8:00 – 8:45

13-14 years old

8:45 -9:15

11-12 years old

9:15 – 9:45

8-10 years old

9:45 –  10:15

5-7 (Includes All New Swimmer Tryouts during week 1 only)

*** High School Class trumps age****

Practice Schedule is now adjusted by High School Class and Age for everyone else.

The first two practice groups are for high-school swimmers.  Students who just finished their senior/junior years swim from 6:30 – 7:15.  Those that just completed their freshman/sophomore years swim from
7:15 – 8:00

What to bring to practice?

  1. Arrive at the pool entrance with a Mask On.
  2. Come to practice ready to swim, with towel, goggles and swimsuit on.
  3. You must complete and turn in the  Covid Informed Release form, or you will not be allowed to practice and enter the pool area.

Covid Precautions:

  1. Wait at front gate with your cohort, and the coaches will let you in at the appropriate time.
  2. Your swim cohort will be directed which side of the pool to store your stuff.
  3. At the end of practice you will pick up your stuff and exit through the sport court. Feel free to mingle with friends and wear your mask there.
  4. Bathrooms are not open for changing into or out of your swimsuit and can be used in an emergency only.

Other Instructions:

Parents are allowed on the pool deck, but need to stay quiet and not speak with their swimmers while in the water. Please allow the coaches to coach without interference.

Remember there is No Night Practice this year.

If you will miss practice please contact the coaches via email at

Sign Covid Informed Release Form

Each family must sign the Covid Informed Consent.
(See link below)
It will also be on our website.

You must print, sign, and turn in prior to your swimmer(s) first practice. Otherwise the swimmer will not be allowed to enter and participate in the practice.

You may turn into the clubhouse slot or bring to the first practice your swimmer(s) attend.

No Form No Swimming.
Thank you!