LAST CHANCE TO PURCHASE LPAC SWAG! Orders and Payment due Sunday by 7:30 PM

Last Chance To Order Your LPAC Penguin Merchandise for 2021!

Below is the Link for the LPAC Merchandise Form for 2021
We have T-shirts, Swim Coats and lots of other goodies to help you remember your 2021 season.

Orders & payment are due by June 6th, 7:30 PM

LPAC Penguin Order Form Here

Drop off Payments only on Saturday June 5 or Sunday June 6 between 5:30 PM ~ 7:30 PM

Make Checks Payable to: LPAC

Drop off Checks/Payment at:

7005 Via Cordura
(Lynnae Brady’s residence)

For questions, contact: Lynnae Brady,

It Is Time To Swim At Practice Monday Morning!!!

Practice Begins This Monday Morning!!!!

Practice Starts June 7th!

Mon – Fri  Time

Groups by Class Level or Age

6:30 – 7:15

 HS Juniors and Seniors
(11th & 12th grade)

7:15 – 8:00

 HS Freshman and Sophmores
(9th & 10th grade)

8:00 – 8:45

13-14 years old

8:45 -9:15

11-12 years old

9:15 – 9:45

8-10 years old

9:45 –  10:15

5-7 (Includes All New Swimmer Tryouts during week 1 only)

*** High School Class trumps age****

Practice Schedule is now adjusted by High School Class and Age for everyone else.

The first two practice groups are for high-school swimmers.  Students who just finished their senior/junior years swim from 6:30 – 7:15.  Those that just completed their freshman/sophomore years swim from
7:15 – 8:00

What to bring to practice?

  1. Arrive at the pool entrance with a Mask On.
  2. Come to practice ready to swim, with towel, goggles and swimsuit on.
  3. You must complete and turn in the  Covid Informed Release form, or you will not be allowed to practice and enter the pool area.

Covid Precautions:

  1. Wait at front gate with your cohort, and the coaches will let you in at the appropriate time.
  2. Your swim cohort will be directed which side of the pool to store your stuff.
  3. At the end of practice you will pick up your stuff and exit through the sport court. Feel free to mingle with friends and wear your mask there.
  4. Bathrooms are not open for changing into or out of your swimsuit and can be used in an emergency only.

Other Instructions:

Parents are allowed on the pool deck, but need to stay quiet and not speak with their swimmers while in the water. Please allow the coaches to coach without interference.

Remember there is No Night Practice this year.

If you will miss practice please contact the coaches via email at

Sign Covid Informed Release Form

Each family must sign the Covid Informed Consent.
(See link below)
It will also be on our website.

You must print, sign, and turn in prior to your swimmer(s) first practice. Otherwise the swimmer will not be allowed to enter and participate in the practice.

You may turn into the clubhouse slot or bring to the first practice your swimmer(s) attend.

No Form No Swimming.
Thank you!

LPAC Penguin Merchandise for 2021!

It is Time To Order Your LPAC Penguin Merchandise for 2021!

Below is the Link for the LPAC Merchandise Form for 2021
We have T-shirts, Swim Coats and lots of other goodies to help you remember your 2021 season.

Orders & payment are due by June 6th, 7:30 PM

LPAC Penguin Order Form Here!

Drop off Payments only on Saturday June 5 or Sunday June 6 between 5:30 PM ~ 7:30 PM

Make Checks Payable to: LPAC

Drop off Checks/Payment at:

7005 Via Cordura
(Lynnae Brady’s residence)

For questions, contact: Lynnae Brady,

***Expected delivery by June 30th with pickup at practices***

Welcome LPAC families to our 2021 season!

Welcome LPAC families to our 2021 season!

The LPAC governing board is really excited to get penguins in the pool!  This season will look different competitively.  Most teams in our league (Valley Cabana Swim  League) will be lower in numbers, LPAC included. All of the teams will be well under 100 swimmers except for LPAC and not because of talent but because of interest.  The governing LPAC board chose to minimize our numbers in order to limit the  number of swimmers in each practice group. 
 I am proud to boast that the interest in our little team is off the charts and unfortunately we had to turn some families away this season. I want to thank all of the families for recommending LPAC and returning. The league has determined this season “unofficial.”  We will compete virtually and compare times via our leagues standardized HyTec computer program.  We will award LPAC ribbons only, based on times and include participation ribbons.  We will not be exchanging ribbons with the competing team. 
LPAC is not ordering a team suit this season. We will have donated suits at practices for swimmers to try beginning the second week of practices but, feel free to order your swimmer(s) an all black appropriate suit or jammer.

Our meet dates are as follows: 

Time trials: 6/19

1st  virtual meet: 6/26

2nd virtual meet: 7/10

3rd  virtual meet: 7/17 

Practice Schedule and New Parent Meeting information is here!

This season we’ve adjusted practice times to minimize lane crowding.  Practices will be shorter but penguins will be in the water 5 days a week.

June 7th all practices begin including New Swimmer Tryouts

Practice Starts June 7th!

Mon – Fri  Time

Age Group

6:30 – 7:15


7:15 – 8:00


8:00 – 8:45


8:45 -9:15


9:15 – 9:45


9:45 –  10:15

5-7 (Includes All New Swimmer Tryouts during week 1 only)

New Swimmer Tryouts:

Tryouts for New Swimmers, regardless of swimmer’s age, begin June 7th, during the 9:45 – 10:15 AM practice slot. You must arrive on time. The coaches will let each swimmer know their team practice status by the end of the week.

New  Parent  Meeting:

Families are required to attend and returning families are encouraged to attend this year because of the changes for the 2021 season. Our parent meeting and New Family Meeting will be May 27th at 7pm via zoom. Zoom Link is located at the bottom of the page. (LPAC is authorized to use The Sobrato Athletic Booster Zoom account)

Please Sign Informed Consent Form 

LPAC is asking that each family sign an Informed Consent form.  Each competitive team requires an Informed Consent for liability issues related to COVID.  Attached is the form. It will also be on our website. Each family needs to print, sign, and turn in before your swimmer(s) may begin. You may turn into the clubhouse slot or bring to the first practice your swimmer(s) attend.

Informed Consent Form

New Parent Meeting Zoom Link Information:

LPAC ℅ Sobrato Athletic Boosters is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: LPAC New Family  Meeting 2021

Time: May 27, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 7110 1624

Passcode: 154126

One tap mobile

+14086380968,,87571101624#,,,,*154126# US (San Jose

+16699006833,,87571101624#,,,,*154126# US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 875 7110 1624

Passcode: 154126

Find your local number:

It’s time for New Family LPAC Registration! Tell Your Friends!

It’s time for New Family LPAC Registration! Tell Your Friends!

New Family Registration for LPAC is now a combination of on-line and paperwork drop off.  LPAC‘s open registration is based on a first come first serve “SLOT reservation” beginning at 8:00 AM on Saturday, April 17th. The LPAC registration team will then prioritize these open registrations according to the following list:

  1. Member of the Los Paseos Association.
  2. Families living within the boundaries of the association.
  3. Families living within a 5 mile radius of the pool/clubhouse.

The reservation window closes at 9:30 AM. Here are the steps to success:

Prior to April 17th  complete Steps A, B & C

STEP A: Download and complete the LPAC 2021 Registration Packet: LPAC 2021 Registration

STEP B: Scan or take a picture of the completed PAGE 3 of the registration packet. It is titled: Membership Application

STEP C: Email the picture or scanned copy of the completed Page 3 ‘Membership Application’ to:

Complete Online SignUpGenius on
April 17, beginning at 8:00 AM

The Open Registration SignUpGenius ‘SLOT Reservation’ goes live.

The SLOT reservation link will close at 9:30 AM

Saturday, April 17th:


Be sure to complete steps A – C at the latest by 9:30 AM on April 17th or prior to that date.

Only 48 hours left to register for LPAC 2021

Only 48 hours left to register for LPAC 2021

Don’t let today and tomorrow slip away before you register your swimmer for the LPAC 2021 season! The season starts June 7th and ends by July 18th. We will be using current safety protocols, and add in lots of penguin fun. If you chose to leave your registration fee’s with us from last year, that credit will  automatically be applied to your 2021 season.

Before you complete the registration packet please answer our short survey!

Returning LPAC Families:

Registration is due April 7, 2021
Download Registration Packet Here:
2021 Registration Download
Registration forms and payment must be received no later than
Wednesday, April 7. If your registration is not received by this date, you will be considered a “new swimmer” and must participate in the online registration as well as pay the “new swimmer fee”.

Please mail (drop off) completed forms and payment to:
LPAC c/o Los Paseos Clubhouse
7047 Via Ramada
San Jose CA 95139

**Important: Be sure to address your envelope to ‘LPAC” so it is easy to distinguish from Association-related mail!


OnLine Open Registration is Saturday, April 17, 2021 using Signup Genius starting at 8:00 AM and ending by 9:30 AM.

Interested in joining our Cabana Club, please send an email to: Include ‘NEW FAMILY 2021’ in the subject. We will send you all the needed information regarding Online Registration prior to April 17th.