Week 8 Wrap Up: Raft Trip Tomorrow – Bring Your Waiver, Community Service, Beach Trip, Banquet!

Dear Penguins and Parents:

The Raft Trip is tomorrow! Most of you have turned in your waivers. Thank you! If you have not turned in your waiver, please bring it with you to Knights Ferry.

No Practice on Monday, July 4th!

There will be no practice on Monday, July 4th! Enjoy your Indendence Day!

Upcoming Meets: LPAC @ Silver Creek on July 9th and Champs on July 16th

We only have two meets left in the season! Please send an email NOW to coaches@swimlpac.org if your swimmer will have to miss all or part of the following meets:

  • LPAC @ Silver Creek on July 9th, or
  • Champs on July 16th.

Message from our Volunteer Coordinators

Parent Volunteers:

We need you! We are looking for Timers and Recorders for the Silver Creek meet on July 9th. Silver Creek has 8 lanes, so we need twice as many as usual. If you would like to help by volunteering to be a Timer or a Recorder, please email volunteers@swimlpac.org.

If you will not be at our last two meets, the volunteer coordinators need to know ASAP. Please send an email NOW to volunteers@swimlpac.org, if you will have to miss all or part of the following dates:

  • LPAC @ Silver Creek on July 9th, or
  • Champs on July 16th.

Swim-a-Thon Pledges Due on July 8th


Thank you to all of the LPAC parents that came out Wednesday morning and helped with the Swim-a-Thon. We could not have done it without you!

We had 97 swimmers participate, who swam a grand total of 6,868 laps! Pledges must be turned in by July 8th to qualify for prizes. Visit the Swim-a-Thon page on our website for more information.

Community Service Event on July 8th

Community Service Event

We will be having a community service event for all age groups on Friday, July 8, 2022, hosted by San Jose Parks and Rec. We can’t wait to see Big Buddies with their Little Buddies, and Penguins of all ages, getting together to serve the community.


  • Age Group: All age groups
  • Date: Friday, July 8th
  • Time: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
  • Location: Los Paseos Park. Meet at the pool at 10:15 am and we will walk over together.
  • Waiver: Everyone participating must fill out a Volunteer Waiver. Turn in your waiver to the “ACTIVITIES” folder in the family files.
  • Cost: None
  • Questions: Amelia Hadfield (408.529.5783)

Beach Trip on July 9th

High School Penguins and Parents:

Don’t forget to register for the Beach Trip by Tuesday, July 5th.


Use the button below to register now!

LPAC Beach Trip Registration – Must Register by July 5th

End of Season Banquet on July 17th

Banquet Details

The end of season Banquet is approaching fast and it is time to register. Final registration deadline is Tuesday, July 5th.

  • Date: Sunday, July 17, 2022
  • Time: 4:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Place: Los Paseos Clubhouse & lawn area
  • Meal: Choice of Freshly Grilled Tacos with Carne Asada, Chicken, Al Pastor, or Grilled Vegetables. Rice, beans, chips and salsa will also be served.
  • Cost: Swimmers eat free but must register to reserve a meal.
  • Additional meals: $15 for adults; $13 for kids. You MUST order extra meals in advance; orders will not be accepted at the door.
  • Payment Options:
    • Check: Make checks payable to LPAC and put your checks in the ACTIVITIES folder in the family files.
    • Zelle: Use Zelle to pay Justin Katz at treasurer@swimlpac.org, Include “LPAC 2022 Banquet” with Swimmer Family Last Name in memo.

Use the button below to register now!

LPAC Banquet Registration – Must Register by July 5th

End of Season Gifts for Coaches

If you would like to contribute to end of season gifts for the coaches, please get in touch with Judy Seps. She will be collecting contributions and will have cards to sign until July 15th. Feel free to give as much or as little money as you would like. All funds will be pooled together to purchase gift cards. We will present the gift cards and Thank You cards to each coach at the LPAC banquet.

Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars!

Mark Your Calendars!

Please take note of the upcoming events and mark your calendars. We will send out more information about each event in future emails, but you can click on the links below to read more about each event on our website.


LPAC High School Beach Trip on Saturday, July 9th! Register NOW! Registration Deadline is Tuesday, July 5th!

LPAC High School Beach Trip on Saturday, July 9th

Dear Penguins and Parents:

All swimmers in the high school age group are invited to come on the Beach Trip to Twin Lakes State Beach in Santa Cruz on Saturday, July 9th. We play on the beach, take a lot of photos, enjoy a BBQ dinner, then build a bonfire and roast marshmallows for s’mores. Plan to meet at the pool at 4:30 pm to arrange carpools. Note that we need parent chaperones to drive and help with the event. Please see form for more information.

  1. High Schoolers and chaperones must be registered for the beach trip at Beach Trip Registration by July 5th.
  2. If you can help with carpooling, please note that in the registration form of your swimmer.
  3. DONATIONS NEEDED: we are in need of some wood to burn, if you have this type of item and would like to donate, please contact Lynnae lynnaebrady@sbcglobal.net or Erik at esunderman17@gmail.com to coordinate wood drop off.

Use the button below to register NOW!

LPAC Beach Trip Registration – Must Register by July 5th


LPAC Banquet on July 17th: Register NOW! Banquet Registration Deadline is Tuesday, July 5th!

LPAC Banquet on Sunday, July 17th

Dear Penguins and Parents:

Our LPAC season’s end is quickly approaching, as is our season ending BanquetThis is our final chance to gather around a meal, celebrate the season with trophies and awards, as well as send off our age-outs into the grownup Penguin World. Register to reserve your Banquet meals today! The final registration deadline is Tuesday, July 5th!

Banquet Details

  • Date: Sunday, July 17, 2022
  • Time: 4:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Place: Los Paseos Clubhouse & lawn area
  • Meal: Choice of Freshly Grilled Tacos with Carne Asada, Chicken, Al Pastor, or Grilled Vegetables. Rice, beans, chips and salsa will also be served.
  • Cost: Swimmers eat free but must register to reserve a meal.
  • Additional meals: $15 for adults; $13 for kids. You MUST order extra meals in advance; orders will not be accepted at the door.
  • Payment Options:
    • Check: Make checks payable to LPAC and put your checks in the ACTIVITIES folder in the family files.
    • Zelle: Use Zelle to pay Justin Katz at treasurer@swimlpac.org, Include “LPAC 2022 Banquet” with Swimmer Family Last Name in memo.
  • Remember to bring your own chairs, EZ-ups, and blankets!

Use the button below to register NOW!

LPAC Banquet Registration – Must Register by July 5th


Week 8 Update: Upcoming Meets, Swim-a-thon, Waivers for Raft Trip Due, Community Service on July 8th!

Dear Penguins and Parents:

Great swimming on Saturday! The Gators defeated LPAC with a final score of Gators 115 and LPAC 110. Meet results have been posted to the Almaden @ LPAC page on the website and ribbons are in the family files. We’ll get them next year!

Upcoming Meets: LPAC @ Silver Creek on July 9th and Champs on July 16th

We only have two meets left in the season! Please send an email NOW to coaches@swimlpac.org if your swimmer will have to miss all or part of the following meets:

  • LPAC @ Silver Creek on July 9th, or
  • Champs on July 16th.

Message from our Volunteer Coordinators

Parent Volunteers:

Champs is around the corner and we need your help! Champs is the biggest meet of the season, with all six teams in the league participating. We will need everyone to contribute and work as a volunteer! 

If you will not be at our last two meets, the volunteer coordinators need to know ASAP. Please send an email NOW to volunteers@swimlpac.org, if you will have to miss all or part of the following dates:

  • LPAC @ Silver Creek on July 9th, or
  • Champs on July 16th.

Swim-a-Thon on June 29th

The SWIM-A-THON is nearly here!

Penguins, please keep collecting your pledges with your Swim-a-thon 2022 Pledge Sheet! Visit the Swim-a-Thon page on our website for more information!


**All funds raised go towards the goal of buying the LPAC Snack Shack new kitchen equipment.

No Practice on Monday, July 4th!

There will be no practice on Monday, July 4th! Enjoy your Indendence Day!

Raft Trip: Waivers are due NOW!

RAFT TRIP: All people attending the Raft Trip MUST fill out a waiver form. 

Many of you have turned in your waiver forms already. Thank you! However, if you have not turned in your waiver, you will find blank waiver forms in your family file or in the “ACTIVITIES” folder. Please sign the waiver and turn it in to the “ACTIVITIES” folder, ASAP!

Photo Booth From Overnighter

If your swimmer took advantage of the Photo Booth at the Overnighter and you would like a digital copies of their photos, please email Kelly Fumagalli and we can send them to you.

Community Service Event on July 8th

Save The Date!

We will be having an LPAC team community service event on Friday, July 8th. Please save the date and stay tuned for more information.

We will need all participating Penguins to fill out a volunteer waiver. Please sign and turn into the “ACTIVITIES” folder.

End of Season Gifts for Coaches

If you would like to contribute to end of season gifts for the coaches, please get in touch with Judy Seps. She will be collecting contributions and will have cards to sign until July 15th. Feel free to give as much or as little money as you would like. All funds will be pooled together to purchase gift cards. We will present the gift cards and Thank You cards to each coach at the LPAC banquet.

2022 LPAC Community Book

Help your fellow penguin families get to know you! Fill out this survey and add your family picture to the 2022 LPAC Community Book. A volunteer parent photographer will also be available at the swim meets to take quick pictures for you.

Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars!

Mark Your Calendars!

Please take note of the upcoming events and mark your calendars. We will send out more information about each event in future emails, but you can click on the links below to read more about each event on our website.


Week 7 Wrap Up: Almaden @ LPAC, Waivers for Raft Trip Due, Swim-a-Thon, Community Service on July 8th!

Dear Penguins and Parents:

Tomorrow is our last home meet of the season. Let’s see if the Penguins can swim faster than the Gators!

Almaden @ LPAC on June 25th

Just some quick reminders before our meet tomorrow:

  • Swimmers and parents need to check in before 6:40 am. Please be on time!
  • If your child is sick, please call or text Coach Scott’s cell phone: 408-613-5126.
  • Volunteers need to check in before 7:15 am. Call or text our Volunteer Coordinator Cecie Boston’s cell phone: 408-910-5611.
  • Meet entries and volunteer assignments have been posted to the Almaden @ LPAC page on the website.

Meet Details

  • Date: June 25, 2022
  • Time: LPAC swimmers should check in with coaches by 6:40 am.
  • Meet starts at 8:00 am
  • Location: Los Paseos Pool

We need you for a Parent Relay!

Parent Relay!

We would love to have a parent relay at the end of our meet tomorrow. We need 5 swimmers who are willing to take the plunge and swim for fun, against a team of Almaden Gator parents, in a freestyle relay. Reach out to Jennie Anderson if you are interested in swimming on the parent relay team!

Raft Trip: Waivers due on June 25th

RAFT TRIP: All people attending the Raft Trip MUST fill out a waiver form. 

  • Print and sign separate waiver forms for each person who will be rafting and turn in forms to the “ACTIVITIES” folder by June 25th.

Upcoming Meet: LPAC @ Silver Creek on July 9th 

If your swimmer will have to miss all or part of the next meet on July 9th, please send an email NOW to coaches@swimlpac.org and volunteers@swimlpac.org.

Swim-a-Thon on June 29th


LPAC swimmers, start collecting your pledges with the Swim-a-thon 2022 Pledge Sheet! Visit the Swim-a-Thon page on our website for more information!


Coaches Raffle is Back!

Back by popular demand!  This year we are going to raffle off excursions with the coaches.

  • Coach Julia & Coach Maddy- Petroglyph Ceramic Lounge. Paint a Ceramic of your choosing with your Coaches.
  • Coach Lauren & Coach Emily- Glow Candle Lounge. Create Personalized Candles with your Coaches.
  • Coach Scott & Coach Amanda- Golfland Outing. Enjoy a round of miniature golf with your Coaches.

Tickets will be given out for meeting the Laps goal set by the coaches during the Swim -A- Thon. Extra tickets will be $1.00 and will go on sale Saturday, July 9th during the Silver Creek meet. See Kelly Fumagalli for tickets! Drawing will be held during Spirit Night!

But, wait!  There is a special grand prize excursion …..an ESCAPE room adventure!  Each ticket for this drawing will be $5.00.  The winning swimmer and 4 friends/family members along with a coach (of their choosing) will try to figure out how to escape from a jail in the Wild West while the sheriff is out on a ride.  You will have 60 minutes to strategize and complete the task!  Great fun for all ages!  (located in San Jose!)

**All funds raised go towards the goal of buying the LPAC Snack Shack new kitchen equipment.

Photo Booth From Overnighter

If your swimmer took advantage of the Photo Booth at the Overnighter and you would like digital copies of their photos, please email Kelly Fumagalli and we can send them to you.

Community Service Event on July 8th

Save The Date!

We will be having an LPAC team community service event on Friday, July 8th. Please save the date and stay tuned for more information.

2022 LPAC Community Book

Help your fellow penguin families get to know you! Fill out this survey and add your family picture to the 2022 LPAC Community Book. A volunteer parent photographer will also be available at the swim meets to take quick pictures for you.

Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars!

Mark Your Calendars!

Please take note of the upcoming events and mark your calendars. We will send out more information about each event in future emails, but you can click on the links below to read more about each event on our website.


Personalized LPAC Swim Caps Have Arrived!

Personalized LPAC Swim Caps Are Here!

Dear Penguins and Parents:

If you ordered personalized swim caps, please pick them up from Judy Seps on Picture Day, June 21, 2022. Judy will be at the pool after team pictures.