Happy Friday! Just a few quick notices and reminders:
- Swimmers and parent volunteers need to check in at Time Trials tomorrow morning by 7:15 am. Please call or text Coach Scott at 408-613-5126 if your child is ill that morning.
- Please check the updated Volunteer Assignments and be sure you are able to work your assigned shift(s). Note that we do still have some empty slots to fill; please step up to help if you are able!
- Any swimmers who do not attend Time Trials (or miss any of their events) MUST come to Time Trial makeups on Monday (6/6) at 8:00 pm. Parents are needed to stay and help as timers and recorders. Note there will be no regular evening practices on Monday.
- Suits and Merchandise will be available to pick up at practice tonight (Friday 6/3) from 6 to 8 pm. The t-shirt order has been delayed but should be arriving shortly.
- Morning practices will start on Monday (6/6) at the following times:
- 15-18: 6:45–7:45/8:15 am* (*30 minutes dryland on M/W/Th)
- 12-14: 7:45–8:45/9:15 am* (*30 minutes dryland on M/W/Th)
- 9-11: 8:45–9:30 am
- 8 & under: 9:30–10:15 am
- Swimmers who are unable to attend morning practices because of school or work commitments may attend night practices, Monday through Thursday from 8:00-9:00 pm. Swimmers must have coaches’ prior permission to attend night practices. However, please note there will be no night practice on Monday, June 6 due to Time Trials make-ups.