Happy Friday! Just a few quick notices and reminders:

  1. Swimmers and parent volunteers need to check in at Time Trials tomorrow morning by 7:15 am. Please call or text Coach Scott at 408-613-5126 if your child is ill that morning.
  2. Please check the updated Volunteer Assignments and be sure you are able to work your assigned shift(s). Note that we do still have some empty slots to fill; please step up to help if you are able!
  3. Any swimmers who do not attend Time Trials (or miss any of their events) MUST come to Time Trial makeups on Monday (6/6) at 8:00 pm. Parents are needed to stay and help as timers and recorders. Note there will be no regular evening practices on Monday.
  4. Suits and Merchandise will be available to pick up at practice tonight (Friday 6/3) from 6 to 8 pm. The t-shirt order has been delayed but should be arriving shortly.
  5. Morning practices will start on Monday (6/6) at the following times:
    • 15-18: 6:45–7:45/8:15 am* (*30 minutes dryland on M/W/Th)
    • 12-14: 7:45–8:45/9:15 am* (*30 minutes dryland on M/W/Th)
    • 9-11: 8:45–9:30 am
    • 8 & under: 9:30–10:15 am
  6. Swimmers who are unable to attend morning practices because of school or work commitments may attend night practices, Monday through Thursday from 8:00-9:00 pm. Swimmers must have coaches’ prior permission to attend night practices. However, please note there will be no night practice on Monday, June 6 due to Time Trials make-ups.