Dear Penguins and Parents:

It was a close one, but Oaktree ended up winning Saturday’s meet by a final score of 109.8 to 108.6. Once again, LPAC actually had the edge in overall place points, but Oaktree pulled ahead in the second half with more improvement points. It’s a good reminder that every race and every swimmer really can make a difference! Meet results are posted to the Oaktree page of the website.


This weekend is a bye, so there is no meet on Saturday, July 2. But if you will be missing any part of the Almaden meet on July 9, please let both the coaches and volunteer coordinators know this week.


This Wednesday (June 29) will be the annual Swim-a-Thon fundraiser. Swimmers should get pledges now (either a flat rate or price per lap) and then come to their regular practice time to swim as many laps as they can. Parents, we need at least five volunteers to stay at each practice and help count laps (but the coaches will take care of the early-morning high school practice). There are lots of fun prizes planned this year, and anybody who swims has a chance to win! Check the Swim-a-Thon page of the website to download a pledge form. Funds raised this year will help purchase new team EZ-Ups and other equipment. Please note that all donations are tax-deductible.


We’ve filled all the boats for the Raft Trip this Saturday. If you’ve signed up but end up not being able to go, please let Chad Seps know ASAP, as there are people on the waiting list hoping to attend. Those of you that are signed up, be sure to check the Raft Trip page of the website for a map and a list of what to bring (and what not to bring). Happy rafting!


Happy Fourth of July! Remember, there is no morning or evening practice on Monday, July 4. Regular practices resume on July 5.


If you’d like to contribute to team-wide gifts for our awesome LPAC coaches, please see Judy Seps at the Almaden meet on July 9.


It’s hard to believe, but there are only four weeks left in the swim season! That means it’s already time to start thinking about Champs. The VCSL Championship Meet will be held at Morgan Hill Aquatic Center on Saturday, July 23. With all six teams competing against each other, this is a very big and very long meet (typically lasting until about 4:00 pm). We strongly recommend that you pre-order breakfast or lunch (or both!) from the Snack Bar or from Panera. This year the snack bar will serve only pre-orders until 8:00 am for breakfast and until 1:00 pm for lunch, and will prepare only a limited number of additional meals. So if you want to eat, be sure to get your order forms in ahead of time! Please turn in orders and payment to the “CHAMPS MEALS” folder by July 9. You can write one check to “LPAC” for all meals. Order forms are attached to this email and are also posted to the Champs page of the website.


Show your penguin pride and place an ad in the Champs Program! 100% of the proceeds go directly to LPAC, so this is a great way to help support the team while giving a shout-out to your favorite penguins or promoting your business. The cost is $15 for a business card-size ad, $30 for half-page, and $50 for full-page. Use the attached order form to design your own ad, or just email photos and text to Kris Fuss and she can design one for you.